
Page Break and Page Set in Cognos Report Studio

Page Break or Page Set is used to break the report output into several pages based on the unique column value. Page Break is simple which can be applied only on one column whereas, Page Set is more advanced in which we can break the data based on multiple columns.

Steps to create Page Break

1. Create a simple list report with the following columns

2. Select Country column > select Structure menu and click on Page Break


 3. Run the report and you will see the data distributed across several pages for each Country.




Steps to create Page Set

1. Create a List report with the columns as shown below

2. Go to the Report pages --> drag and drop Page Set as shown below

3. Move Page 1 to the Detail Pages

4. Select Page Set1 and assign it to Query1

5. Click on Grouping & Sorting --> drag and drop Current Year and Product Line columns as shown below

6. Run the report and see the difference in the way the output gets generated per page.


Pat Robinson(Princeton U) said...

Instead of using PageSet in Cognos drop a block in to the section and change the size of the object to expand the page 8 or 11 inches. You can also change size of your footer. It out performs the pageset feature.

Sai Nandigam said...

Hi Pat, Thank You for your comments! I agree that creating a section can display data in separate blocks for each unique value however, it is not recommended if you want to display data in separate pages automatically. PageSet option is exclusively used to display data in separate pages based on the unique column value.

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